Gunster attorney Meredith Plummer recently spoke with Bloomberg Law regarding the decision many companies are making to move away from traditional yearly performance reviews, instead opting for more frequent check-ins.

The article examines a number of considerations for companies to be aware of in implementing this transition, and Plummer underscores the importance of accurately documenting performance issues and providing specific, actionable feedback to employees.

“Recycling old feedback risks exposing companies to legal trouble because it doesn’t provide up-to-date insights into employees’ growth and development,” Plummer cautions.

Meredith Biggs Plummer is an attorney in Gunster’s Labor & Employment practice group. Meredith represents clients in employment related disputes, such as claims of discrimination and retaliation under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), among others, as well as wage and hour claims and breach of contract claims.


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