Join the Florida Environmental Network and the Florida Chamber Foundation at its 35th Annual Environmental Permitting Summer School from July 21-23, 2021, in Marco Island.
Each year, Gunster is honored to have its attorneys tapped as industry leaders to present their insights at the largest environmental conference in the state. This year, the following Gunster attorneys will be leading various breakout and continuing education sessions:

Amy Brigham Boulris is an instructor for the Recent Developments in Property Rights session.
This course picks up where “Florida Property Rights 101” leaves off, discussing recent state and federal legal decisions, legislative proposals and enactments, and anything else of interest to those who deal with the nitty-gritty of public and private property issues, including the recent controversies surrounding the customary use of beach front property! This is a can’t miss course for the seasoned practitioner; however, all are encouraged to attend.

Ronald Brisé is an instructor for the Climate Change, the Clean Power Plan, and Implications for Florida's Energy Facilities session.
This course will discuss legal challenges that EPA faces in replacing the Clean Power Plan (CPP) as well as the implications of the D.C. Circuit Court opinion on the Trump Administration Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule. It will also cover how the Commission is planning for the future in light of climate change and the need for resiliency when it comes to Florida’s power supply; the need for grid hardening; Florida’s generating assets; and planning for possible impacts of extreme weather events due to climate change.

Rick Burgess will serve as a panelist during the two-part series entitled Florida Brownfields: A Comprehensive Technical, Regulatory, and Legal Update
This panel will examine the current state of regulatory and financial incentives as well market dynamics, financing considerations, and other concerns that help private developers and local governments collaborate to overcome the risk, limit the liability, and manage the cleanup costs associated with taking title to and redeveloping contaminated sites. Specific examples of successful and profitable projects and the community benefits they create will be discussed. A comprehensive discussion of applicable Florida and federal rules and best management practices will be presented by a leading panel of Florida experts who will also provide a replicable, scalable, and easy-to-follow path for private development principals, local government planners, lenders, and other brownfield stakeholders.

Kevin Cleary is an instructor for the Florida's Environment, Water Policy, the 2021 Legislature and Beyond session.
Absolutely the most current and reliable information available on what the 2021 Legislature passed (or considered but failed to pass) and why; assessment of Florida’s changing political landscape with respect to environmental and water policy issues; comprehensive preview of what’s expected with respect to implementation of 2021 legislation with a look ahead to the 2022 session and beyond.

Mario Garcia-Serra is an instructor for the What's Ahead and Why - Comprehensive Planning and Growth Management session.
This update will cover any changes by the 2020 Legislature to comprehensive planning and DRIs, as well as pending changes in growth management programs and policies; discussion of the future of the regulation of DRIs, as well as large non-DRIs in Dense Urban Land Areas; evaluation of different approval processes for large scale development; and examination of pros and cons of rescinding existing DRIs.

Debbie Madden will be a panelist for the following sessions:
Comprehensive Watershed Management
This panel will provide an in-depth examination of agency emphasis on watershed management as a means of comprehensively integrating a variety of planning and regulatory programs currently implemented by DEP and water management districts; these include TMDLs, stormwater, NPDES, PLRGs, Water Quality Credit Trading, and both structural and non-structural floodplain planning and management; practical considerations; organizing stakeholders; discussion of need for statutory changes as well as changes to current agency practices.
Wetland Jurisdiction Methodology: A State and Federal Update
This carefully designed panel discussion will analyze state and COE wetland jurisdictions, making use of comparisons and contrasts as appropriate; covers application of vegetation, soils and hydrologic indicators in determining presence of wetlands using state and COE methodologies; covers altered and non-altered sites; emphasis on practical application and dispute resolution; examples and case studies will be discussed. You will also hear the latest updates on wetlands law and regulation at the federal level, including the status of recent and ongoing legal challenges, any new guidance or policy put forward by the new Administration, and what they could mean for development in Florida.

Luna Phillips will serve as moderator for the following sessions:
Two-part series entitled Lake Okeechobee and the Estuaries: A Water Management Balancing Act
This year, numerous developing issues are affecting the Lake, including current operations, and most importantly, the new lake schedule being developed now by the US Army Corps of Engineers. In this 2-part course, the panel will focus on these latest developments, as well as the Herbert Hoover Dike Rehabilitation, endangered species, water quality, and the status of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan projects that affect the Lake. The panel represents a diverse cross section of government, private landowners, tribal entities, and environmental and agricultural interests. The panel will discuss how Lake management decisions affects their differing interests and obligations and the varying issues that must be balanced to make effective decisions.
Essentials of Obtaining an Environmental Resource Permit: The Nuts and Bolts of ERP Permitting
This course will provide a detailed and in-depth breakdown of all aspects and components necessary for the environmental professional to obtain an ERP permit in an efficient and effective manner. This course will take the audience through all the steps in the review and issuance of an ERP permit including an administrative permit challenge. In addition, the course will discuss how new and proposed rules and policies are affecting the permitting process. Learn from this highly-experienced panel all of the essential criteria and policies, including wetland and mitigation requirements, stormwater requirements, water quality and administrative and legal requirements critical to finalize a permit. This course is a must for environmental professionals who want to understand all aspects of ERP permitting to better represent their clients and deliver efficient results.

Elizabeth Ross will instruct during the two-part session entitled Emerging Water Supply Issues, Including an Update on the Central Florida Water Initiative
This course will feature an advanced discussion of multiple issues including emerging challenges in meeting future water demands; innovative water supply projects; meeting the conceptual costs of distribution and storage of reclaimed water; legal and policy issues regarding the control of reclaimed water for future public and private reuse; and regulatory challenges and innovative approaches to addressing these issues. One such approach is the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI). The CFWI area covers all or part of five central Florida counties, includes portions of three water management districts, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, as well as several regional public water utilities, landowners, local governments, agriculture and various other stakeholder interests. Part I of the course will explore innovative water supply projects that are emerging around Florida, including the CFWI, and the role of utilities and other significant water users now and into the future. Part II will explore how Florida will be meeting future water supply needs via new or alternate funding and public acceptance of new technologies: For example: How will recent developments in the implementation of the Florida Land and Water Conservation Amendment impact future water supply? How do we engage the public and improve awareness of future water supply needs?

Brian M. Seymour will be an instructor for the two-part session entitled New Policy Directions for Growth Management
The growth management world we knew has seen another major change. The DRI process – as we knew it – is gone. How do we now deal only with local government on the myriad of issues each DRI order raises? What are the other viable options for large-scale projects and when to use each – or not? Are regional planning councils going the way of DRI’s? What’s behind the ongoing push for preemption of local government decisions and is it a good or a bad thing? This course is updated every year to discuss new and anticipated legislation, emerging issues and problems and examples of local government innovation.
For further details and information, please visit the Florida Environmental Network website.