Urban Youth Impact is a South Florida organization dedicated to serving the youth in the Tamarind Avenue, West Palm Beach, Riviera Beach and Boynton Beach areas who have been identified as the most at-risk children in the area. These children face challenges with poverty levels, school readiness, graduation rates, teen birth rates and more, according to the organization's website.
On Feb. 22 and 23, Urban Youth Impact is inviting the community to come out for the 13th Annual Charity Auction Dinner and Golf Classic. Gunster attorneys Joe Curley, Joe Santoro and Brian McPherson are participating in the golf tournament on Feb. 23.
The programs put on by Urban Youth Impact touch 230 children weekly with education enrichment and career training while they are allowed to built relationships with other children in the community. UYI also partners with many organizations throughout the community that allow an additional 270 children per week to benefit from the organization's services.
Urban Youth Impact is known for its numerous programs including SMART, a program where children have the opportunity to participate in the arts and sciences, and the Leadership Academy, which provides academic assistance and character development.
Tickets will be on sale in January 2015 and sponsorship opportunities are available for the charity auction and golf tournament. The Charity Auction and Dinner will be held at the Kravis Center and the Golf Classic the following day will take place at the Dye Preserve.