On Wednesday, Oct. 26, Gunster attorneys James B. Davis and Frederick Brackin will address the hot topic of tax planning implications of Section 2704 at the Community Foundation of Broward's Professional Advisors Council breakfast and networking event. UPDATE: Photo from event added below.
Davis, leader of Gunster's tax law practice, has been a member of the council since 2013.
The Professional Advisors Council of the Community Foundation of Broward is composed of legal, wealth management, accounting and insurance professionals who work with the Community Foundation to help their clients achieve philanthropic goals. Council membership is by invitation only.
Council members who attend the Oct. 26 breakfast will earn legal or accountancy continuing education credits.
For more information, contact Nancy Thies, vice president of philanthropic services at 954-761-9503 or nthies@cfbroward.org.
Read related Section 2704 news:
- Family tax-saving discount may go away at year's end (Gunster.com News, 8/19/16)
- Closely held entities: No more minority interest, marketability discounts? (Gunster.com Alerts, 8/10/16)
Last updated 10/26/16