In an article published by Legal Dive, Gunster attorneys Craig Behrenfeld, Tom Julin and Bob Lamm discuss the latest developments in the Corporate Transparency Act and what this means for small businesses.
On March 1, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama granted a motion for summary judgment in favor of the National Small Business Association, finding the CTA to be unconstitutional, Behrenfeld, Julin and Lamm explain. The government followed by filing a notice of appeal on March 11. However, legal scholars agree it remains to be seen whether the District Court's decision will be sustained on appeal, the authors note.

With more than three decades of experience, Craig Behrenfeld represents individuals and business entities in matters involving structuring and negotiating acquisitions, dispositions, mergers, divisions, joint ventures, executive compensation and corporate and partnership law. Craig also assists corporations with federal income taxation, forms partnerships and limited liability companies, handles tax audit and controversy matters involving the IRS, and appears before the IRS regarding matters such as applications for private letter rulings and technical advice memoranda.

Tom Julin has litigated free speech issues of almost every type in Florida and around the country. He is dedicated to advocating the First Amendment rights of businesses. Tom’s experience includes the defense of libel, slander and privacy invasion claims. He also has used the federal civil rights act to attack government regulations of speech, and sunshine, public records and Freedom of Information laws to extract information from government agencies

Bob Lamm chairs the Gunster’s Securities Law & Corporate Governance practice. Bob previously served as assistant general counsel and assistant secretary of Pfizer. His prior experience includes senior legal positions at W. R. Grace, CA Technologies, and Financial Guaranty Insurance Company. He also has extensive experience with small and mid-cap companies, as well as nonprofit entities. In addition to his role at Gunster, Bob is an independent senior advisor to the Deloitte Center for Board Effectiveness.