Florida Politics recently spoke with Former U.S. Senator and Gunster Chairman George LeMieux regarding his prediction for Florida's continued statewide growth and political landscape.
Central and South Florida are booming and should become nationally important 'super regions,' LeMieux explains. "We’re the gateway to Latin America, which is really important where we’re sitting here in Miami Dade County when the Panama Canal expanded a few years ago,” he notes. In terms of Central Florida, LeMieux sheds light on the vast development in the Tampa Bay area and predicts Tampa and Orlando will soon be connected as a powerful metropolis.
LeMieux also foresees Florida becoming a Republican-controlled state, pointing to the recent election results. "If we are purple, we are a reddish purple,” he remarks.

For more than twenty years, George S. LeMieux has been lead trial counsel in federal and state courts, in civil and regulatory matters, before juries, judges and arbitrators. He has argued cases before the United States Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Florida, and Florida’s intermediate appellate courts. His practice includes defending clients in enforcement matters brought by state attorneys general, advocating for clients in administrative law proceedings including bid protests, and counseling governmental bodies on public records and public meeting requirements. He has successfully litigated business disputes and intellectual property cases to verdict; his practice also includes professional liability defense.