Gunster Shareholder Jamie Crowley was recently quoted in a Florida Trend Magazine article discussing the Palm Beach lifestyle and architecture. With new people and money flooded into the island, the town Architectural Commission (ARCOM) has decided to maintain its historic-district like power when it comes to renovations and new construction on Palm Beach.
With ARCOM, it is much more difficult to get something passed because it needs to meet the town's high standards.
"Palm Beach has made a decision. They are going to look out for the community as a whole, sometimes at the expense of individual property owners," Crowley noted.

James M. Crowley has worked on large scale planned development, public-private partnership and urban infill projects throughout Florida, but focuses his practice on South Florida. Jamie represents Gunster’s clients at public hearings before planning and zoning boards, architectural review boards, historic preservation boards, municipal councils and county commissions in connection with applications for new site plans or site plan amendments, rezonings, comprehensive plan amendments, annexations and plan approval.