Local Jacksonville news station News4Jax recently interviewed Gunster attorney Mike Freed on his philanthropic motivation for Freed to Run, a series of six marathons in six days.
Last week, more than 100 runners raised funds for Jacksonville Area Legal Aid and the Northeast Florida Medical Legal Partnership through six marathons stretching from Tallahassee to Jacksonville. The runners made up relay teams that each ran one of the six marathons, with Freed running all six.
In an interview with Freed, he stated "We have a really vibrant legal aid organization, but it turns away many more people than it is able to help." He goes on to state "I wanted to find something I could do in my own little way and everyone would be for helping underprivileged people, particularly pediatric patients that have legal needs that accompany their medical needs." Although Freed has targeted a local need in Jacksonville, he emphasized how this is a national issue as well.
Michael Freed is a business litigation and trial lawyer at Gunster with a wealth of experience in the courtroom and arbitrations, administrative proceedings and other forms of dispute resolution. Mike believes in supporting important causes that affect the community. Among other causes, he is active in speaking out through various forums in support of legal aid for the indigent, and collaboration within the non-profit community.
Read the full article: Jacksonville attorney runs 6 marathons in 6 days for good cause