Gunster shareholder Brian Sparks recently published an article in The Florida Bar RPPTL Section’s ActionLine publication on disaster preparedness amongst the COVID-19 pandemic. The article reviews various aspects of the pandemic, government and public responses, and recites lessons that can be learned for hurricane and other disaster preparation. Amid hurricane season, Sparks emphasizes the importance and “need to prepare broadly and comprehensively for a range of potential disasters.” As a volunteer wilderness emergency medical technician and disaster preparedness and response worker, Sparks provides unique insight into the opportunity the pandemic has to teach us to prepare for the future. He also explores the government’s response stating “governments generally cannot be relied upon to provide adequate assistance to the populace immediately after the onset of a crisis that affects a large number of people over a large area.” Therefore, the public must take action to prepare for themselves. On personal preparedness, Sparks states, “it is a personal responsibility of all of us to engage in it to the best of our abilities and resources and to do it well. No less than our lives, the lives of those we care most about, and the lives of everyone else are at stake.”
Brian Sparks is an attorney board certified in both wills, trusts, estates and tax law. His practice includes tax, estate, asset protection, and privacy protection planning for wealthy individuals, business executives, professionals, and closely-held businesses, as well as tax controversy matters against the Internal Revenue Service and probate and trust litigation. He is chair of the Disaster and Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee of The Florida Bar Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section. Brian’s primary community service is as a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician, Wilderness First Responder, Search and Rescue Technician, and disaster and emergency preparedness educator. He has participated in preparedness and response efforts involving a wide range of disasters and emergencies.
Read the full article here: Learning From The Pandemic For Disaster Preparation (Such As For The 2020 Hurricane Season) By Brian C. Sparks, Esq., Gunster, Tampa, Florida