In a recent article published by GlobeSt.com and the Daily Business Review, Gunster shareholder Mario Garcia-Serra stated “Miami-Dade’s construction and development business has been more resilient than other businesses.” Garcia-Serra said despite lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, construction has proceeded unobstructed. New social distancing guidelines have forced industries to innovate and become more efficient, Garcia-Serra said. This is in part due to “no time lost commuting to the office or between meetings.” He also stated that even though permitting and approval has been “somewhat slow", government agencies are innovating.
Garcia-Serra also weighed in on the rebound of the real estate market, predicting that multifamily would lead due to affordable housing needs, followed by the hotel and retail industries. “Office will be interesting,” he says, “the jury is still out” on whether an increase of people working remote will decrease the demand for office space.
Mario is a shareholder in Gunster’s Environmental & Land Use practice. He focuses on local government law, particularly land use and zoning. Mario represents major developers before local government boards and regulatory agencies. He has been involved in obtaining the necessary development approvals for major high rise residential condominium and rental projects, commercial and institutional buildings, single family residential developments and public/private projects.
Read the GlobeSt.com article here: Notes from a Miami Land Use Attorney: “Construction Has Proceeded Unobstructed”
Read the Daily Business Review Article here: Gunster Attorney Lands Busiest Month This Year With Construction Clients in Miami