Gunster Attorney Meredith Plummer recently authored an article for ALM Property Casualty 360 in which she speaks on Department of Labor violations, specifically child labor laws that have been impacting the nation.
Plummer highlights the various and often technical federal rules for minors of different age brackets, and shares best practices when it comes to working with minors. "A well-trained manager is the only way to ensure that these minors are scheduled appropriately and are performing permissible duties for their age," she explains.

Meredith Biggs Plummer is an attorney in Gunster's Labor & Employment practice group. Meredith represents clients in employment related disputes, such as claims of discrimination and retaliation under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), among others, as well as wage and hour claims and breach of contract claims.