On March 11, 2010, Gunster immigration attorneys, Sarah Lea Tobocman and Jay Carmichael participated in a very well attended webinar hosted by the Employment Law Alliance (ELA).

Ms. Tobocman acted as the moderator of the panel discussion and Mr. Carmichael was a featured speaker, along with other colleagues from across the country.

In speaking to the topic of “Hiring, Documenting, and Terminating H-1B Workers in a Climate of Increased Government Scrutiny” – Ms. Tobocman and Mr. Carmichael  spoke about compliance issues, the need for employers to apply by or as soon as possible on or after April 1 for one of the limited number of H-1B visas that will be available in October 2010; and ways to ensure employer compliance with governmental regulations relating to the employment, furlough, and termination of H-1B workers.

If you would like to view the webinar – please follow the directions below (sign up is required at the ELA website):

The Webinar is on the ELA website that includes audio and the Power Point presentation: www.employmentlawalliance.com.  You will first need to register – it takes only a moment.  Just click “create new account” and complete the requested information.  After you click submit, you will receive a message on how to create a password.  Once you have done that, you should be able to log in and click the webinar title in the box entitled “Employment Law Webinars” on the right side of your computer screen.  From there you will see a description of the Webinar and under that you will see the links to download the Power Point presentation and the Podcast (audio).

If you have any questions about this webinar – or other immigration related issues – please contact:

Sarah Lea Tobocman, Chair, Immigration Practice  |  [email protected]  |  (305) 376-6065

Jay Carmichael, Of Counsel Shareholder, Immigration Practice | [email protected]  |  (305) 376-6090


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