A litigator by training and practical by nature, Lisa reliably delivers business-focused solutions to eDiscovery and information governance challenges. With a unique aptitude for understanding her clients’ business goals and strategies, Lisa’s paramount goal is solving information and litigation issues so that her clients can focus on business. Whether working with heavily regulated Global Fortune 500 companies on high-stakes litigation or developing records retention policies for a start-up, Lisa tailors her advice to the needs of her client.
Lisa understands that solid information governance results in fewer discovery hiccups, and she helps clients manage information before, during, and after litigation. She delivers practical advice about ever-evolving best practices for information governance, helping multinational clients organize and manage information to meet business needs and satisfy legal requirements. She works collaboratively with stakeholders from the C-Suite, Legal, IT, Compliance, Records Management, and Privacy to manage competing interests and solve information challenges both defensibly and efficiently. She provides counsel to clients on significant eDiscovery issues related to preservation and production. And when information is no longer needed for legal, statutory, or business reasons, Lisa develops processes to dispose of it defensibly.
- Assisted multiple global companies with the implementation of Microsoft O365 and Google Suite platforms, developing information governance and discovery workflows for these tools and related applications
- Developed and customized eDiscovery Playbooks to guide companies and merits counsel through all phases of litigation, from trigger to matter closing
- Delivered policies and training to clients and their employees on records retention, acceptable technology usage, and appropriate usage of voicemail, ephemeral messaging, and social networking tools
- Conducted “gap analyses” of information and technology landscapes for multiple Fortune 500 companies, providing recommendations, and implementing solutions
- Prepared company executives for deposition, trial, and Congressional testimony regarding records management practices and marketing practices
- Developed and executed plan for the transition of all business and legal hold information involved in sale and divestiture of a Fortune 500 tobacco company to two parties, including managing information-related negotiations between the parties, selecting and supervising vendors, and ensuring completion
- University of Notre Dame Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1997
- Quincy University, B.A., summa cum laude, 1994
- Minnesota, 2018
*Admitted to practice in Minnesota. Not admitted to practice in Florida.