Gunster attorney Beth Keating, a shareholder in Gunster's government affairs law & lobbying practice discusses the importance of communication if underdoing an audit by the Florida Public Service Commission.
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Communication is key when undergoing a Florida Public Service Commission audit
When undergoing an audit by the Florida Public Service Commission, we always recommend that the key to addressing any adverse findings, regardless of the industry involved, is communication and responsiveness.
Often, for the business underdoing a PSC audit, the initial tendency may be a defensive response denying any wrongdoing.
And, while a denial of wrongdoing may ultimately be the correct response, it is important to first communicate with the appropriate PSC personnel to ensure you understand the basis for the findings and to communicate that addressing the situation is your company’s highest priority.
This is particularly critical in situations that may impact public safety.
In our experience, good communication early on – and keeping communication channels open – can bring clarity to the situation and may lead to a mutually acceptable resolution.
Importantly, it can also help avoid escalation of the matter into a much more complicated administrative proceeding.