Gunster shareholders Amy Brigham Boulris and Terry Cole offered commentary recently in the wake of the Supreme Court decision in Sackett vs. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Stunned by the EPA’s characterization of their lot as ‘navigable waters,’ Mike and Chantell Sackett of Bonner County, Idaho, sued for judicial review of the agency’s wetlands determination. Ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in their favor with a stinging rebuke of the agency’s practice, noting that it blocks access to courts, allows ‘strong-arming’ of citizens and is treatment ‘unthinkable’ in a nation that values due process and property rights.

Beyond the Sacketts’ vindication, the high court decision may level the wetlands playing field nationally in two important ways.

Read the entire column by Amy Brigham Boulris and Terry Cole as published in the Daily Business Review on April 20, 2012:  High court gives urgency to Clean Water Act woes.



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