In this video, Gunster land use attorneys Brian Seymour and Allison Turnbull discuss how things are more complex than ever, given the current regulatory environment – and how having a land use lawyer can help you navigate the many issues that may arise as you seek to develop property in Florida.

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Video produced by TheLaw.TV

Why do I need a land use lawyer?

Whether you are attempting to rezone land or process a site plan approval consistent with existing zoning regulations, your property rights are important.

In today’s regulatory environment, things are more complex than ever.

Issues you may need to address can include:

  • Interpreting a comprehensive plan or land development code
  • Dealing with neighbors who may oppose your development
  • Working with staff that may not agree with your plan; or
  • Helping elected officials understand complex planning, environmental, and engineering issues

In all cases, a land use lawyer who has experience navigating the regulatory process and who understands issues of planning, environmental and engineering matters, as well as your property rights, can provide added value to help get you where you need to be in the most expeditious manner.

We strive to provide our clients with creative solutions and advise you on your rights in order to put you and your development in the best possible position.


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