Florida’s real estate industry in general – and the development of property in particular – is heavily regulated and governed by zoning codes, comprehensive plans, infrastructure limitations and environmental regulations. Oftentimes, it is difficult for a prospective real estate developer to know exactly what he or she is buying.

Gunster land use attorney Mario Garcia-Serra explains.

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Video produced by TheLaw.TV

Why due diligence is important to Florida real estate developers

The development of real estate in South Florida is a very complicated matter.

It is regulated by comprehensive plans, zoning codes, subdivision regulations, environmental regulations and more.

So, before acquiring a property, you want to have a good understanding of what it’s capable of being developed into.

It’s important to do due diligence into areas such as:

  • land use
  • zoning
  • subdivision regulations
  • environmental regulations
  • code enforcement issues

Having an understanding of all this is when you can confidentally make a decision to acquire a property.

A Gunster attorney can assist you with all of these different facets of due diligence.


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